Steam User Info

What is a "Steam ID"?

Steam ID is a unique number that each and every user has. There are different types of Steam IDs.
These IDs are:

This website requires the user's Steam64 ID. This type of ID consists of only 17 numbers. You can see some sample users next to the search field to try it out.

Where can I see my Steam64 ID?

Click here to show how to find your own SteamID64.


Why can't I see the "Recently Played" or "Most Played Games"?

There are a few possible reasons the "Recently Played" and "Most Played Games" sections are not available.

One of the possibilities is that the user is not a friend (on steam) with the creator of this website. This is because Steam only allows you to see your friends' data. So unfortunately this website can only display the games from friends of the creator.

Another reason could be that the privacy settings for the searched user is set to private.

How do I change my privacy settings? (visibility status)

Click here to show how to change your privacy settings.
Note that "friends-only" also blocks the accessibility from this website.



This webapp was made because of my interest in games and also to improve my programming skills. I decided to make this particular webapp because I want to learn more about web API and how to use it's data.

Playing games on Steam is a huge hobby of mine and this project was a perfect fit to explore the Steamworks API. Because of this I'd say this is a tool that I might use myself from time to time.

About me

I'm a 25 year old, self taught programmer named Eric.

I discovered programming fall 2019 and I've been making my own small projects since then. I have been working mostly with only webdesign lately but this was my first real API based project.

Enter a user's Steam ID to get their information.

If you have questions, go to the "Help" section above the searchbar.
Recently Played
User Profile

May 30, 2010
Visibility status:
Check behind you
Last logout:
The user status is set to hidden. Information is unavailable.
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